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Learn Aspire Become

At Venturenix LAB, (Learn, Aspire, Become) we create a supportive ecosystem for students, clients, and the IT industry by offering training, networking, and recruitment services. In response to evolving technology and pandemic challenges, we focus on talent cultivation, sharing IT knowledge, and fostering strong connections.

Our personalized training, networking events, and recruitment services empower students to excel in their careers while adding value to the IT industry.We dedicated ourselves in talent cultivation when facing the intense competition for technology talents and tough market situation caused by the pandemic. Sharing IT knowledge and our professional expertise is always our primary goal.

Press & Media

Venturenix 榮獲年度最傑出專業人才IT及數字招聘服務大獎

IT業長期人才短缺,連 Apple 及 Meta 等大公司都要爭奪人才的大環境下,IT業可觀的前景有目共睹。有見及此, Venturenix 首推軟件工程師培訓計劃,培育零經驗但極具潛質的人才。既幫助到他們在疫情下無後顧之憂轉行,亦可持續為業界提供高質素人才。 創辦人Dicky預計未來5年香港需至少約8至10萬IT人才,而透過Venturenix培訓的IT人才,成功協助學員轉行及發展,並將增設培訓課程邀請適合人才入學,讓他們先免費入學後付費,更符合市場需要。

Past Events

Partnering with a world class trainer, we hosted an Executive Training in AI delivered by the Chief Scientist and Director of Data X at UC Berkeley Prof Ikalaq, and Head of Executive Education of IE Business School Prof Paris, we partner with organization to grow their AI capacity and in turns drives even more Recruitment needs with us.