No prerequisite or self-study is needed. Nothing needs to be worried if you are bad at math or never studied computer related subjects
Multiple Guarantee
We offer multiple guarantees to minimize your risk and make it an easy decision for you, including first week 100% refund and up to 50% refund upon unsuccessful cases.*
*Terms and conditions apply
Recruitment based Exclusive Career Support
Here, you can enjoy diverse employment support brought by professional headhunting experts and help you navigate the job market with your new skills and experience
Job-Ready in 4 months
You will be able to build a portfolio-ready project and equip with necessary technical skills needed to thrive in the ever-growing technology job market.
Practical Curriculum & Real World Exposure
We teach the most competitive coding languages and frameworks you will need in the software development industry, with real world cases and exercises
Our course for Data Science offers a comprehensive curriculum designed for those aspiring to start a career into the dynamic world of data science. Tailored for both beginners and those looking to expand their skillset, our program focuses on real-world applications of data science fundamentals. We provide two options, part-time and ful-time.
Individuals looking to start a career in data science.
Professionals aiming to add data science skills to their portfolio.
Students and researchers interested in data-driven decision making.
Upon completion, you will have a robust understanding of data science, equipped with the skills to analyze, interpret, and visualize data effectively. You will be prepared to enter the workforce as a confident data science professional, ready to tackle complex data challenges in various industries.
Wayne從零開始 ,曾於Venturenix LAB就讀Data science with python課程,畢業後即獲跨國公司取錄成為數據工程師,再以少於成為2年時間成為數據科學主管。 作為非電子工程本科畢業生中途轉行,Wayne能充份理解同學不明白的地方並從中作出引導。
Course Adviser
Anthony LO
行內少有獲獎無數的資深數據科學家; 曾在全球公開大賽Amazon Data Mining Competition (Kaggle)取得Top 4%成績,在全中國超過100支隊伍參加的General Electric Tech Award 中取得第一名。現任職於一間跨國企業公司旗下的數字科技公司任職數據科學主管