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“曾聘請Venturenix LAB畢業生的僱主,Deloitte Digital合伙人Billy Tsang更表示:「我地之前都冇試過請初出茅廬嘅Bootcamp畢業生,今年較早前收到Venturenix Lab嘅邀請出席畢業禮,並同畢業生會面,驚喜地發現佢哋嘅學生只喺經過短短14星期培訓,Java, Spring boot同Microservices等Tech Stack已經可以有咁高水平,達到我哋請初級programmer 嘅要求。我哋最後聘請咗兩位畢業生,目前工作表現都好好,好開心而家多一個請高水準Programmer嘅途徑”

Billy Tsang
Deloitte Digital

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Being the 1st, and #1 leading Coding Bootcamp in Hong Kong that uses Java, Spring Boot as the core curriculum, with front-end, micro-services being elective.

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Company Corporate Training

In the face of intense global competition for technology talents, we deem that cultivating a talent is more efficient than finding one. If you want to upskill your teams let us shwo you how.

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Testimonials 😍

Listen to our graduates and how the experiences that they share.

Karis, Software Engineer
Carol, Software Engineer
Elyse, Full Stack Engineer

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